America has an overall population of nearly 329 million. Approximately 254 million (77%) of those individuals are over the age of 17.
According to the United States Census Bureau (, of those individuals over 17 years old; 60% identify as Anglo-American (i.e. white); 18% are categorized as Hispanic-American; 13% are considered to be African-American; 6% are recognized as Asian-American; 1.3% are Native-Americans; and 1.7% categorize themselves as other. To summarize, the country’s population over 17 years old consists of 60% Anglo-Americans and 40% non Anglo-Americans.
However, the majority of STEM workers are Anglo-American (69%), followed by Asian-Americans (15%). Unfortunately, considering the STEM workforce as a whole, African-Americans (9%) and Hispanic-Americans (7%) are underrepresented. (
Additionally, African-Americans and Hispanic-Americans are also underrepresented in the country’s governance body -the very system responsible for making and implementing policy and laws for the people. The general, human-nature tendency is to be more considerate of the rights and privileges of those with whom we share more commonalities. That consideration doesn’t stop with the country’s legislative body in which African-Americans and Hispanic-Americans collectively make of 20 % of the House of Representatives and 7% of the Senate. History, as well as present-day, clearly illustrates multiple socioeconomic inequities between this underrepresented population and others.
The statistics above provide insight into the imbalance of the STEM and policy-making workforce. Equally, those of us at the Elvoid Lakes III Foundation have intimate experience with the obstacles encountered when pursuing STEM careers, and when trying to level the playing field relative to those positioned at the “proverbial table.” We understand the challenges of attempting to meet those objectives with limited resources and minimal guidance, but with a certain hope. As such, we seek to support the underrepresented population navigate those obstacles and challenges. Multiple actionable approaches such as training, monetary grants, etc. may be used to provide this support.
Our Leadership Team’s portfolio includes credentials in STEM and Public Policy; and experience in the government, private, and academic arena. This includes over 35 years of experience supporting STEM initiatives; and nearly 10 years of experience providing policy-related support. We believe we understand the challenges one may encounter in pursuing related objectives; especially those learning within a framework of inadequate tools and minimal guidance, but are held to the same level of expectancy as those learning with a broad base of resources. As such, our MISSION is helping you attain those objectives.
The Foundation’s VISION is to help empower and inspire others to realize educational aspirations, promote more inclusive socio-economic policies, and expand the principles of the gospel across a wider community.
God requires that our character attributes include continually and actively loving Him and others faithfully and passionately; being fair and honest; and walking with Him in obedience, courage, trust, and belief. Likewise, Dr. Lakes frequently noted that you can determine a person’s character attributes by what they do. Hence, he would simply refer to this by saying: “You do what you do”. These are EL3’s VALUES.
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